Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
November 14, 1862
Camp Douglas
Chicago Illinois
Nov 14th
9 AM
Dear Father
Mr Hunt thinks of going home tonight, so I shall send this home by him. We did think of sending the Trunk home by him, but as we have nothing particular to send, I do not think we will, I shall send the Revolver home by Mr H, to Charlie, he must be careful of it.
I hardly know what to think of our coming home everything looks mixed up.
Major Baird of the 126th, has been [Cashiered] & Discharged from the Service, he has told a great many of his boys that, they have broken their Parole & that they are Fools if they ever go into service again. He says he shall read the Parole to all the boys.
Things have looked for the past few days, that we were going home today or tomorrow, but I doubt it. The 126th Boys say they are under Sealed Orders to March But we can place no confidence in anything until we hear it positive. The Orderly Sergeant’s of all the Cos in this Regt, have drawn up petitions to the War Department with all the Comp’s names Signed, praying that we may be immediately Exchanged, once Mustered out of the Service. Of course it would take some time to hear from this, even should it succeed.
Hunt will inform You on our life here, better than I can write it, He took Supper with us last night, but said he could not eat, where we had to. He did not see the [worst] of our living, such as Salt Bacon & Bread. He came just the night time to see, how we live. He says we can not possibly live here this winter.
You should go through the Different Barracks at night & hear the Coughing now & what will it be in the winter. Dont be alarmed about me, My Cold is almost gone. Hunt will tell you whether I look very sick or not. They have got the Diptheria in the Hospital, I think I shall keep away from there, after this.
If you send me a Trunk again, please let no one know it & then there will be no trouble I will mention a few things if I stay here I would like, about a Peck of Fried Cakes & a Can or two of Preserves, some Apples, & if you could send me some Honey in a Tin Can, I would like it very much. Do not send me any Bed Clothes as I have Blankets enough to keep warm, If I should find a pound or two of Butter I would not object. By all means do not send anything for the Capt in the Trunk, He is played out on that.
I know this is not very accomodating, but then, You make no friends by being to [sic] liberal with your things. That was the trouble with the other Trunk. I was to [sic] liberal with my things altogether & now I can go without. I tell you this place makes a man Selfish, the Motive is every man for himself & it is carried out here to perfection.
there is no use of my writing much about Camp life here now, Hunt will inform you, All the Cry here now is I want to go home. But how it will end none of us can tell.
I have Just received your letter, But have no chance to answer it
Will write again soon
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