Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
December 16, 1862
Dec 16th 6 PM
I have just got your letter of the 12th, & will answer it in this.
In regard to that Paper, I can say that I did not put that in the box. The box had been laying around & some one had used it. I can say that is not the kind of reading I prefer. it is usless [sic] your warning me, in that matter, I have seen the consequences & have learned a lesson. That is one thing I am free from, & I am glad to say so.
I hope you will explain, to Francisco & Williams. Aleck wrote a letter to Barney, & in that he called me a Son of a B-. So you can judge how mad he is. Of course I have no special objection, to your publishing my letters, if you choose to do so, That is if there is any news in them.
I think I shall get my Box, from A to morrow, I shall send down by one of the Teamsters. I am getting in a hurry to get it. I am sure I should be very glad to see you out here at any time. And then you could see a great deal of Country.
Will write again soon
I think it is [ ] asking me to write every day, dont you think so.
I think our Capt is very slow & have thought so all the time. the reason why I did not ask the Capt, to excuse me from Picket Duty, was, we have got too many in our Co, that always have an excuse, so they need not do duty.
You ask me how we cook, We have got a Co Cook, but then we cook a little Extra, once in awhile. We Fry our Pork in a plate cook our Coffee in a Cup & had our Water in a Cup to wash our dishes. We have no [Conveniences] for Squad Cooking.
I expect to see a great change in Charlie, if I get home again.
You may be sure if any ot the Corporals are promoted over me, that I shall resign. I like to see things done right.
We are in hopes that we shall not be ordered away from here, we like these Quarters very much, & think we could take comfort here. As soon as our QM is removed, we shall fare a little better, this I hopw will be done very soon
I will write again as soon as I get the Box
Dec 16th
I have got a pair of Brass Shoulder Plates, for you & will send them home, as soon as I get a chance. I am getting all the Different Styles of cartridges I can to send home.
How are you getting along now days. I have heard there has been Sleiging [sic] in Wanye Co, if that is so I suppose, you have had some fine rides, with Sarah. I would like very much to take a ride with you, but we are in bigger business now.
Al & I have been keeping Bachlors Hall for the past few days & have some fine times. We had Boiled Rice to day & it was a little burned. Al wanted to know why they did not keep the Coal out, I wish you could see how they drive 4 horses here with one line, It would be a novelty to you.
I must now quit as I have my night Wood to get in & prepare for Night. It has been a windy day here, the wind blows pretty strong & shakes our Tent a great deal. Write Soon
From a Fellow Prisoner
(Love to Sarah)
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