Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
February 10, 1863
Camp Hayes
Feb 10th 1863
6,45 AM
Dear Father
I have not read a letter [ ] from you in a long time. But I will write a Short note this AM. I will give you a few reasons why I do not feel like writing, first we Drilled hard yesterday & then we was called up on a False alarm at [5] this morning, & I have got to go on guard at 8 AM. Perhaps you think that is not enough, but if you had the dirty Guns to clean that I have, you would think so.
Yesterday we had Batallion Drill, we Drilled in Firing, blank Cartridges of course. We had a good Drill. The Col returned Last night the Officers had a regular Spree, Drinking & Singing, because the Col, had got his Commission. when Co D was ordered out this morning, there was no one but the [Order] Sergt, to Command the Co. Col ordered Capt Holmes to report to him, he ought to be Cashiered for it.
The Paymaster is here & will pay us, for a month & 25 days amounting in all to about $24. A big Thing this Working for 6 months for 25. We are doing Picket Duty, under a different Plan now, the 111th Furnishes Pickets two days, the 125th two days & the 89th one day. This will do very well.
Mrs Brown & her Daughter are here, I have not spoken to them yet. We had service on Sunday afternoon. It was the most uninteresting Sermon that he has ever preached. I will write again tomorrow
Nomoretime [sic]
Lovetoall [sic]
ManleyTStacey [sic]
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