Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
March 23, 1863
Camp Hayes
March 23d
8,15 AM
Dear Father
I have just come off from Reserve, last night, on the fairfax road, where the Rebs, entered a week or two ago. We did a little better, than was done them, by not leaving our Post, until after Daylight.
I recieved a letter from you yesterday, with a 11cts Postage Currency in it, Enclosed I send the Envelope, let me know if you sealed it up like it is, before you sent it. I little mistrust it was opened right here. It was sent the 11th, & I did not get it until the 22d, which I think is almost too long a time for a letter to come from Lyons. Tell Mother that she can say what she likes, no one has forbidden her writing what she likes. I do not know why you do not get more letters from me, I write at least 4 a week. I intend writing every other day, but sometimes, I can not write as often as that.
News is rather Stale, at present in our Camp, nothing going on. I am in hopes that we shall get a little rest, from this Severe Duty, we are doing here now. The 26th Michigan, that was here, before us, & that we relieved, are now in W doing Provost Duty, I should like it, if they would give us a little Rest too. Wednesday is Picket again, it comes rather often, what with Camp Guard, Picket, & Reserve, it keeps us rather busy.
Williams has been in the Guard House, two Sundays running now, for Dirty Gun, he is getting very Shiftless. He has acted since his return from Home, as if he would do, just as he pleased, I think he will be brought to [time]. Warren is under Arrest for telling the Orderly this morning that he would do just as he pleased. I do not intend to get in any Scrape if I can help it.
I always take the Papers you send to Chap Brown, he is very glad to get them. I like the Rochester Democrats, better than any other Paper, you send, there is more news in them. New York Daily Papers are 10cts a piece here, so of course we can not afford that. Baltimore Papers are 5 cts a piece, but they are worth nothing.
I think I get more Mail than any other man in the Regt, I know I do than any one in the Co. Let me know about the Envelope
Love to all
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