Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
March 26, 1863
Camp Hayes
March 26th
8 PM
Dear Father
I received your letter of Friday, this morning on my return from Picket Post #6. Alas one from Mrs Stout. Enclosed I send the letters.
Everything went off all right, on Picket, nothing to disturb us. To night I feel very tired, returned from Picket, this morning at 10, & go on Battalion Drill at 1,45 PM. We now shall be pushed right ahead, as the Col, is no longer Comandant of the Post, Genl Hayes being here. we shall have one consolation, that is not having to go on Picket, as often, as we did. The Pickets will now be taken from the whole Regt, instead of the wings, as it was before.
Col Mac, is awful on the Drill, we are Drilled when no other Regts, turn out. It is reported to night that 2 Companies out of each of the Regts, here are going out to Warrenton, of this is so, then we stand a change to go, D & H, always go out to support a Battery. we have now got at this Post, 1st Pa Reserves Infantry, 39th, 111th, 125, Keystone Battery, 11th Mass Battery 1st Mich Cavalry. When Genl Casey gets his Division together, we shall have a great many Troops at this Poat. the 1st Pa reserves, is on of the oldest Regts in the field, some of the Co’s, have just 5 men left, some of the Co’s, are commandered by Orderly Sergts. You should see their Colors. I would like the Honor, of carrying back, a Flag, as full of holes, as theirs is.
They have these shelter Tents just large enough to lay down in, not to set up. there is a great deal of talk of our going on the Front, now Casey is coming here, well I do not care much, one thing is certain, we would have easier times in Front, not near the work. Our Picket Lines are to be thrown out, from this Post, this I am glad. we shall have to walk a little Farther, but the lines will extend through a Country that I have wanted to see.
the Days are getting a great deal longer here now, it is light at 5,30 now. I expect before long, that we shall have to Drill an hour before Breakfast. That I never liked. Sunday, I expect we shall have, Regt Inspection, of course. I would give much for a Rest now as I would have given last Winter.
Love to all
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