Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
March 29, 1863
Camp Hayes
March 29th
7 PM
Dear Father
I was a little disappointed today in not receiving a letter from you. We have had no mail since Friday, & then a very small one. Today we had Co Inspection, but we had 200 men Detailed, from the Regt, for Picket.
It is reported here now that we are to move to Warrenton, the Whole of Casey Division, it is said we are to move within 18 Days. It is reported also that we are to be Paid off also this week. it seems to be the General opinion, among the whole Brigade, that our days are numbered in Centerville. Well if we are to move to Warrenton, it will be Good Bye Furlough, & Good Bye Washington. Tonight we are Ordered by Genl Hayes, to have Canteens filled, & 24 hours Cooked Rations in our Havesacks. I think the old General is afraid of a Fight.
Mar 30th 6,15AM. We had an alarm last night about 11,30 PM. there was a man on Guard in each of the Co’s Streets, to wake then men up, instead of Beating the Long Roll. The Regt turned out well & was soon in Line. The Alarm, proved to be this. a man was Patroling [sic], between two Posts, on the Picket Line, (which is always done in the night). when they Halted him once, then two of the Guards fired on him. One Shot took effect, pasing through his Arm. Our Boys, mean something when they say Halt now. The mans, name was George [Geotzman] Co E, from Newark.
I am always sorry to have, monday morning come here, for then we have to go to work again. I am in hopes, we shall be paid off this week, we would not Complain. Our Picket Line is now 6 miles long. formerly it was 4. I expect we shall go on Picket again tomorrow, if we do not move before. I suppose Capt will return, to the Regt, this week, then things will move differently, in the Co.
As soon as I hear anything Positive, in regard to our moving I will imediately [sic] I will write
Love to all
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