Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
April 9, 1863
Camp Hayes
April 9th
6 AM
Dear Father
I received your letter of the 4th Yesterday. I had begun to think I never should hear from home again, as I had not heard from you since the 3rd. I had received several Papers but no letter. We have had several changes here for the Past few Days, Lieut Col Smith has Resigned, so now we need a new Major. I have heard, that the Col, has said, Capt Holmes, is the Man, if that is so, there will, be some changes in this Co. And if Dreyer gets his discharge, there will be 2 Sergts to make. The Col has not had, the Detail of the Color Guard read yet though I expect he will soon. The Paymaster has not made his Appearance yet, though we hope to see him this week.
We have had but little Duty to do this week, the Col has been Sitting on a Court Martial, at Head Quarters. They have been trying one of the 39th NY, for the Murder of one of his Co, He stabbed him in the Night, in 7 different Places. Since he has been in the Service, he has murdered 5 men, but has managed, to get clear so far. He will either be shot or Hung, before, all the Regts here. He says he wants to kill 3 men more before he dies, one of them is D Utassi. He has been kept in our Guard House for a month past, heavily Ironed.
We are getting along nobly in our Class in Tactics, Col says we have got the best, Instructed, class of non commissioned Officers in the Regt. I am afraid I shall get [stepped] up on the Furlough, I have given up all Hopes now. I am sorry, for I would like a Rest. Tell mother I have no Objection to fixing up the Place at Clifton, but I must see this through, first. It would not look well to leave just now. nor do I think Mother would wish to see me unless I came Home Honorably. Now I am going to have my Nights rest, that is a great thing in the Army.
we are little expecting the Capt, here today, or tomorrow. we have had some Pancakes for the past few Days. This is the way I mixed them. [Salenatus], Cold water, Salt & Flour, ask Mother if that is right.
I shall hope to hear from you again soon
Love to all
Dear Rosa
I will now answer your last letter. I am glad to hear you have improved so in Riding Horse Back, I suppose you will be riding at the Fair, in the Fall. I suppose you had a part in the Exhibition last week & astonished the Natives by your Eloquence. I was in hopes, of being able to come home & see you, but I am afraid it is Played out, now. I should like to come Home & try that new horse, by riding in the country a little, that is if you would have no Objections.
Well I must close as the breakfast call has just Beat & you know I never was late to Breakfast.
My Love ot Maggie
Your Brother
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