Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
April 27, 1863
Camp Hayes
Centerville Va
April 28
9 AM
Dear Father
Here is some Paper that I bought here for 8 cts [a] [Q…ne]. which I think is as cheap as you can get it at Home. It answers every [p…] for a Soldier. I like this better than the blue I got from home, last, though that is good enough for any [one].
This week I have go nothing to do, until from 4 to 5,30 PM, when we Drill in Bayonet Exercise. Saturday morning we Drill in Firing at a Target. This the boys all like. Thursday is Muster Day, we will all have two months more pay coming.
This morning Mr Cookingham is visiting the Picket Line, I wish you were here to join the Party. Just to learn how Picket Duty is done, down South. You can learn something how this War is Carried on by Coming down here, more than you ever could by reading the Papers. you also would have the Chance of seeing Washington. If you should come I should get a Pass & go as Far as Washington, on your return.
Since I wrote about the 125th, leaving, it has turned out, they have gone between here & the Coast House, to Guard some Road Probably our Regt will Relieve them.
28th 5, 30 AM. I received your letter of the 23d last night, with 50cts enclosed. I should not be surprised if we have a little brush here before long. Genl [St….] Davis of Cavalry has gone out around the Country in Front to try & drive in these Gurillas if nothing more. You can do just as you please about publishing my letters in the Republican, You can if you choose too, only change the Signature & do not sign it Co D. We are all straight about the Rations now, I mean as well of, as we have ever been.
I am in the color Guard yet, & shall stay in, until I find out that I can better myself, by remaining in the Co, I want to have a talk with the Capt, & find out how things stand.
I expect you will get this by Mr Cookingham, by next Saturday or Sunday
My love to all
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