Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 2, 1863
Camp Hayes Centerville
Co D 111th Regt NYSV
May 2nd 1863
5,15 AM
Dear Father
I received your letter of the 27th, last night, so will answer this morning. This Morning from 8 to 10, we have a Drill the boys all like, namely firing at a Target, with Ball Cartridges.
Now about who I belong too [sic], I am sure I can not tell. I do not want anything serious to happen, on account of me, who I belong too. I suppose it is a Partnership Concern. I will try & write to Mother, as often as I do you, after this. It has seemed more convenient when writing to write to you, so I have done so.
I am glad you have not entirely given up, your visit here, & hope Cookingham will give such a good account of his Visit, that you may be induced to come. If you come I should try to either meet you at Washington, or return as far as there with you. It would be easier to go from here there, than to meet you there. As soon as the Garibaldi is Hung, I will try & send a full account of it. Visitors are not searched that come to our Camp, though your Baggage my be when you sross the River. They allow no Whiskey to be brought over.
Capt has not as yet, said anything to me about the Color Guard, so I do not know he likes it.
Yesterday morning Col, tried to get Permission from the General, to take us out on the Battle Field, but could not, General said he had no right, to grant him the Permission. We have now 4000 Cavalry at this Post, they are going out this morning on a Scout. The 125th Returned yesterday. They had a slight Skirmish the first night they were out.
We are now to have, Regt Inspection every Sunday. At the Inspection Thursday, Col told me, Corp, your Gun & Equipments are in good condition, you are a good soldier. so much for getting the Cols good will. If you come down here I shall get excused from Duty, & then we will visit the Picket Lines. If you come, be sure, to get Transportation, so you can ride to Union Mills
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