Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 6, 1863
Camp Hayes
May 6th 7 PM
Dear Father
Since I wrote you last, I have met with quite a misfortune, While on Skirmish Drill, I lost my Pocket Book, containing my, something over $8,00, & can find nothing of it. So I shall be obliged to get $5,00 of you, I did not like to send for this, but as we may be Ordered to the Front & it would not do to go without money. This looks rough, one week after Pay Day, but it can not be helped.
7th 5,30 AM It has been raining here for, a Day & two nights past, & now it looks like raining all day today. Well there is one comfort we will not have to Drill. We commenced drawing Soft Bread again, yesterday, we Drew one Days Rations. Our Col, has not returned from Washington yet. It is reported that Col Williams, is trying to get his Regt, 125th NY, to Washington. I hope he will get Fooled on it. Hays got a Dispatch last week asking, for one of his Regts to be sent to W, Hays Replied, I have got, no Regt, that is fit. Which was a Lie, for if we are not fit, there never was a Regt, All we care about, this Rain, it will hinder Hooker, now & hold him back for 2 or 3 weeks.
The Staff Officers are building them a new mess Tent, & are fixing it up nice, this looked but little like moving. Our Stay here depends altogether on how Hooker succeeds, This morning, we have one of those mornings I love at Home, Thick Foggy & Damp. There is but little extra news in Camp this morning so I have not much to write
Love to all
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