Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 11, 1863
Camp Hayes
May 11th 1863
7 PM
Dear Father
I read your letter of the 7th, this eve, & will quiet your fears a little, in regard to the Fighting. We are still in Centerville, doing Picket Duty, & Drilling the same as usual. Do not be alarmed about, our leaving this Place, for just as long as Hooker is in Front of us, we shall stay & hold this place, so in case he is defeated, he can have some thing to fall back on. Another thing that looks like, staying here, Today the 125th Changed their Camp & are fixing it up, for summer. Our Camp looks splendid, evergreens between all the Tents.
This has been a very warm day, about the warmest, we have had, this summer. This afternoon, while on Battallion Drill, just before we marched to Camp, the Col, told all that could not, Double Quick it to Camp, to fall out that he wanted to see them, After he had looked at them he told them, to get in the Ranks again & did not Double Quick us at all. I got all prepared for the Double Quick, rolled up my pants, unbottened my coat, but was not sorry, we did not do it. We have not as yet commenced work on the Breast Works, but can not tell when we shall.
The Non Commissioned Officers in the Regt, have been in a great deal of trouble today, about the examination, Co C’s, all resigned. Lieut Green says he is not afraid of his, Boys, that we will pass. I myself am not much alarmed. Dreyer & the Orderly Sergt of Co F were reduced tonight, for Gambling. If this remain, there will be a sight for someone. I can not tell who it will be however, I have not had a talk with Capt, yet, so to see how things stand, but hope to soon.
May 12th 5,13 AM. Nothing new during the night all quiet on Rocky Run.
I hope this distance will not make a difference to you coming down here. Do not forget to send me some cotton Socks. The Government Socks, are to heavy & thick for summer wear
Hoping to hear from you soon, with love to all
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