Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 15, 1863
On Fatigue Duty
Camp Hayes
May 15th 1863
6,30 PM
Dear Father
I little expected a letter from you, this PM, but was disappointed. I writing home for the things I wanted you to bring, (not send) I forgot to mention a Leather Watch Guard, mine is worn out. also one or two Lead Pencils, another Pocket Book. I wish you would also get my Light Boots fixed up, a Light Tap, put on. They with these that I have got I think will last me this summer. to be sure they are light, but on Dress Parade & Inspection’s they will be very nice these warm days. Do not forget the summer Socks, & I wish you would send me a pair or two of good white Gloves, with my name marked on them.
Al Hunt wants you to get him a good Hunter Case watch costing about $15,00, a smaller size than mine, about Ladies size, Patent Lever. He will write to his father about it. He wanted to buy mine, but as I do not want to sell, he wishes you to pick one out for him, How much did mine cost,
There is but (little) news in Camp tonight all quiet, we hear nothing about Hooker, so can tell nothing about what he is doing. Everything looks now like staying here. The Officers all say, that there is no Prospect, of our leaving. Dreyer is feeling pretty sore, about his reduction, although he expects to get his Position again. I can think of nothing more so will close, Shall hope to hear from you tomorrow
Love to all
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