Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 31, 1863
Camp Hayes
May 31st 5,30 PM
Dear Father
Well I have settled down to duty again, & am feeling much better than before the Trip. If it has done you so much good as it did me, I am sure, there was no money wasted.
I wrote you yesterday, that we were to move, our Camp, on Monday, Things look now as if we should remain here. Both Officers & Men’s Quarters are fixed up comfortable, & no one, desires to do the work over again. We shall know however tomorrow. I think we shall get our Pay this week, when I will send you home $10,00 at least.
Yesterday afternoon some Rebels were seen outside our Lines, both on the Warrenton Road, & at Bull Run. They Fired into a Train, about 4 miles above, Union Mills & Burned up some 20 Cars at Manassas Junction. Genl Hays, thinking they might come this way, ordered out the whole Brigade, last night, midnight, So we marched up to the Breast Works & laid there until Day Light this morning. We had Co Inspection, this morning instead of Regimental. It is a wonder that we did not have the regular Inspection.
There is nothing new in Camp, today, everything quiet.
When we returned from Washington, half of our things were gone, Williams had Drawn our Bread & sold it. My Papers had all been opened & everything scattered around. If we ever change our Camp, he will not be in the Squad, with me, Almost all of the Officers, have got their Wifes here now. I have not spoken to Mrs Holmes yet, nor am I in any hurry too.
June 1st 5,30 AM. Just had a pretty good night to rest, & am feeling tip top. I shall hope to hear from you soon. when you get a chance to send anything, send me a box of Blister Ointment. I heard the other day that by putting, some of this Ointment, on the Face, & let it raise a Blister, & let it dry off, it would make the Face a great deal smoother,
Write soon
Love to all
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