Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
June 17, 1863
Camp Hayes
June 17th 63
7 AM
Dear Father
Yesterday all of the Troops here, drew their 4 Days Rations, & packed up, their things & this morning at 3 AM, they commenced moving. Where no one knows. I think however they will turn up in Lees Rear, either in Maryland, or near Harpers Ferry. The boys themselves think they are going to Maryland. They are all in good Spirits, all anxious to meet Lee again, & clean him out this time.
I have had a good many talks with boys, from the 11th Corps, they explain things a little, & throw the blame where it ought to be, on Howard. It seems that he had notice after notice, that Jackson was Flanking him, but made no move to better his position. The 11th Corps was on the extreme right, & some of Howards, Generals, rode up to him & said, repeatedly, for God’s sake General, let us change our Front, they are Flanking us, his answer, go back to your Posts, you are more scared than [hurt]. Jackson Massed his Troops & threw them on this Corps, in such a way, that he could rake them down in the Rifle Pits & they could do nothing. The 11th Corps Boys swear he never will come out of another Battle alive. Take them altogether & they are a noble looking, lot of men which with a good General would do something.
Yesterday there was some talk of our joining the 1st Corps, but they have left us. The Waggon Train, is passing through now, & is 5 miles long. I have been through the camps this morning & could get clothing enough, to set up a store. There has been a great deal of excitement, here for the past few days, but now it will die down. I only wish we were going on with them. Looking out of my Tent, I can see Acres of Waggons, it is quite a Sight.
Hoping to hear from you soon
Love to all
(ed’s note: Written upside down in the top margin)
I saw Mr Brown, yesterday of the 44 NY, he looks hard
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