Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
June 20, 1863
Camp Hayes
June 20th /63
Dear Father
Yesterday afternoon, the last of the 8th Corps left Centerville, towards Warrenton, where they go I can not tell. All day yesterday we heard Canonading, over at Aldie, It was reported that we were Fighting there. Last night the 2nd Corps, comanded by Genl Hancock came in & Camped for the night. They say that they came to Relieve us & that we go back to Arlington Hights. It has been a Camp Rumor, for a week or two past, that we go to Arlington Hights, to support, the Forts there. I heard some Officers talking yesterday, & they said our Corps, (the 22d) was the Reserve, for Hookers Army, & that the whole Corps would be stationed near Alexandria so in case of trouble, Hooker will fall back on us.
In my Opinion, there is going to be a Fight right here, everything looks like it, Contrabands, that come in, Report that Lee has a strong Force, at Manassas Gap, only 7 miles from here, of so he may come down on us, one of these fine Days. It has long been a Camp report that for some reason or other, we were exchanged, to do Guard Duty & not go Beyond the Defense of Washington, namely, over Bull Run Creek, I have heard Officers say this.
After the 3d Corps left yesterday, I picked up two Blankets, such as would be worth $5,00 a pair, at Home. I could get some splendid Blankets while at that, But I can not. Today we have strict Orders, for not a man to go outside the Camp Guard, this is the General Order. This looks as if something was up, The 108th NY, lays near us, I want to go over there, as I know some of those Boys, well I can go tomorrow.
Harvey is having a serious time with his leg, yesterday he had, to have his leg cut again, it will be some time, before it heals up, all the rest are well.
Hoping to hear from you soon, love to all
Kiss Maggie for me
(ed’s note: upside down in the top margin)
Take care of these letters for me MTS
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