Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
June 29, 1863 – near Liberty Md
On the March, near Liberty Md.
Co D 111th Regt
June 29th
4 PM
Dear Father
I concluded to write you a letter & drop it in some Post Office, that is if I can. Well we are again on the March, between Fredericks & Middlebury going towards the [Penn] Line. Nobody knows where we shall turn up, I think Hooker is trying to get in Lees Rear, & then Drive him out, of Maryland. If this is so, we shall get the Marching, no mistake.
This morning, it rained just enough, to make the Road pasty & muddy, miserable walking, & to crown it all We are ordered not to go around any mud, nor water, this morning we had to wade, through Water up to our Hips. Tonight we have got to march, to Middlebury, & it is reported from there to Westminster.
When you write to the Chaplain, you must thank him, for his kindness to me in letting me ride
I can write no more, that lovely Fall in
All the Boys are Well
Barney Aleck & Albert
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