Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
August 17, 1863
Elmira Barracks No 1
Aug 17th 1863
8 AM
Dear Father
I believe I wrote two letters last week, but read nary one. That is hardly right.
Charlie arrived safe on Saturday night at 11 PM. I was on Guard but, I took time to get to the Depot to meet him. I brought him to the Barracks, & after some persuasion got him to bed, though he wanted to stay up all night with me. I did not get relieved early enough to go to Church in the morning, but went last night to the 1st Church. Charlie says he will be Home on Saturday, of nothing happens.
Things look very promising, for our speedy return to the Regt, all the Conscripts we had here, were sent off, saturday night. The Officer of the Day, said this morning, that we should stay here two months yet & I am thinking a little of going to Walkers this week for a Day.
If nothing happens, I should get Home some time next week, that is if nothing happens. Two of our Boys go home this week, then I shall go. Tell Mother I want a Red Silk [Hakf], to take back with me. Charlie tells me, that mother, could not get me any Pants stuff in the City. I am sorry.
I am getting sick & tired of this Town. it is the Dullest place I ever was in. It is pleasanter however, than Warrenton Junction.
I shall hope to hear from you this week
Love to all
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