Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
September 23, 1863
Barracks No 3
Elmira Sep 23d
Dear Father
I have just returned from New York having left here, on Friday last. We left here friday night at 5 PM, & went as far as Susquahanah, where we had to lay, until Saturday afternoon at 2 PM, owing to the Track being washed away. We arrived at Jersy City, 10 PM, Sunday morning at 6, when we took the Ferry, for NY. We got back from the Island, at 1 PM & left the City, last night at 5 PM. We had 11 Guards & 92 men mostly Substitutes. We got through with, out losing but one man though we had a considerable trouble as they were Determined to break the Guard.
Now with regard to a book you said you found, that I left at home, I now [sic] nothing in regard to this book, I am no such a man, I have something better to do than go to anysuch places. I have never been guilty, of any such thing as you accuse me of. I can not imagine how I ever had such a book for I am sure, I have never seen it. Now I want this to settle it, I never have been guilty of any such thing, I think too much of myself.
It is reported here, today, that we are all ordered back to our Regts, & that we shall leave here, in a day or two, I do not know how true it is, but I am going to make sure of it, by sending to Francisco, for the things I am going to take back. If we do not go now I do not think I shall be able, to come Home again. Furloughs & 3 day passes are played out. I shall be glad to come, but am afraid I shall not be able. Things do not look now, like our staying here, I think we shall get back in time for, the next Fight, I do not think we shall get our pay here, I am afraid it is played out.
I shall hope to hear from you soon
Love to all
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