Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
September 25, 1863
Barracks No 3
Elmira Sep 25th
Dear Father
Since I wrote you last, we have had several changes, all the old Detachments have been organized into 4 Co’s, & now have Roll Calls in the morning. Co Drills for 3 hours a Day. In fact, the Col has got the strictest kind of Dicipline [sic] in Camp.
It looks but very little now like, going back to the Regt, I have heard several of the Officers say, that we should stay here most of the winter. I hope not for it is a great deal worse here, than in the Regt, the Boys are all anxious to go back for they know they are better off, in the Regt.
I am in hopes this thing will play out, I can not see what would keep us here all winter, unless they have another Draft.
There is no signs of our getting our Pay. I do not know the reason, unless, it be through the neglijence [sic] of our Officers. If I do not get my pay, I shall have to send home for 2 under shirts the same as I wore on the RR, & pair of Boots. It is awful cold, in our Barracks today, Have to lay in bed to keep warm
I will write you as often as anything occurs
Love to all
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