Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
September 28, 1863
Barracks No 3
Elmira Sep 28th
2 PM
Dear Father
I have just read your letter of the 25th, with $2,00 Enclosed which came good, The Paymaster comes tomorrow, but I can not tell whether we shall get out pay, or not, It is reported that we shall not get our pay, unless we have our Descriptive lists, & that I have not got. I can not tell however, but shall soon know.
Things are moving along about the same as usual, in Camp, only we have to Drill, 2 hours a day, All the Old Detachmants, are Organized into Companies with Officers in charge. I have got done Volunteering to go to the City, as I see you do not like it, I shall only go when I am Detailed.
Things look now like staying here, a long time, it looks but little like leaving. I shall try & get a 3 Day pass & come home the last of this week or the first of next. It will be quite a while before my turn will come again for a Furlough, but if we stay I shall get another.
I will write as often as possible. I can write no more, most Drill Time
Love to all
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