Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
October 30, 1863
Camp near Warrenton
Oct 30th 1863
Dear Father
I have but little to write, today, but knowing you will be anxious to hear, I will write a few lines. there is nothing going on in Camp, the Officers are making out the Muster Rolls, We had Brigade Drill this morning, but as a general thing, the boys Drill but little now.
We now have to keep 8 Days Rations on hand, 5 of theses we have to carry in our Knapsacks. The Boys have got, a Pack Horse, now so they get all their things carried, such as Blankets &c.
I am to act as Sergt, right along, the same as usual, so the Lieut said this morning. The boys were all glad to see me back, and now it seems good to be with them. The Report has been in Camp, that, our Regt was to be sent to the Rear, to recruit up. I can’t see it. A Lieut told me, the other day in Alexandria, that in less than 3 months our Regt, would be consolidated, into 4 Co’s. I don’t believe this however, We shall get some men.
My clothing bill this year, is $60,00 this will take a good pile out of my Pay. It will be taken out this pay day.
Tell Mr Brown, that I delivered, the Boots to his boy all right. He is well & looking well, The Boots are just what he wanted. The boys are all feeling well, but looking hard. Just as I did when I came Home. We are about 4 miles from Bristoro Station & the Battle Ground.
I think Mother did do well, better than any time before. Our Regt has not got a man, nor is there any prospect, of any, this Winter. Just as soon as anything turns up I will write. I shall be very glad to get the Rochester Papers, anything to read.
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