Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
August 13, 1862 (first letter) Camp Halleck
Camp Halleck
August 13-th
9 pm
Dear Father,
We arrived at Port Byson at 12,30 yesterday, after a pleasant ride, and marched to the village of P.B. Then we hired a team to [?] [ ], paying 40 cts a piece, arr at- 4 AM, from here we marched to the barracks and at 6 PM had our supper. At 830 retired but not to sleep, there was a great deal of talking and laughing, got to sleep at midnight.
Got up this AM at 5,30 when Roll was called. I was appointed Corporal of Squad to get Rations & Coffee for the [mess] of 8 [and] then wash dishes.
Tom was Corporal for Squad 4 and I for No 5. I think most likely I shall have to go on guard tomorrow. Which is 2 hours on & 4 hours off, for 24 hours. [Seamson’s] son* is on guard today, so is Albert Hunt**.
We have 4 boys from 20 [ ] at [ ] splendid singers, which passes off time very pleasantly.
I bunk with [A] Williams [Barney] [f], with N Hunt Y Hooker*** with Mr. [Crowl] says he got [Elick] & I under his care. He is well & seems to enjoy himself very well.
We are very fortunate in getting him in our Company. I have made arrangements to [mess] with him.
I think I shall not go down in the city today. I am sorry Charly did not come with this company to [ ]. we can hear nothing about our going away, Except that the [ ] [ ] is coming here the 21st of Aug, so I think we will leave here before that.
Please bring some more of these Testaments, the Boys want them, you see them laying around in the Bank reading them.
I have got [no] Tooth Powder. when we elect officers I can not tell.
Love to All
*? Seaman, James M.–age,23 Enlisted 2 Aug 1862 at Port Byron to serve three years. Discharged, 22 Aug 1863, at Alexandria, VA.
***? Hooker, Thomas–age,19 Enlisted 6 Aug 1862 at Lyons to serve three years. Wounded in action, 3 Jul 1863, at Gettysburg, PA.; captured in action, 22 Jun 1864, at Petersburg, VA.; died, no date, while a prisoner of war.
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