Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
September 1, 1862
Camp Beardsley
Harpers Ferry
Sep 1st
I got a little too late for the mail this morning so, I concluded to write a little more. After writing my letter yesterday A couple of Contrabands came into our camp from Lowdon. Jackson was impressing all of the Negroes into the service so they concluded to run for their lives, I suppose according to the Articles of war they are free as their masters have taken up Arms against the U S.
We had a lovely time last night there was four of us, 2 on & 2 off every hour, We were right at the foot of a large mountain, covered with Trees and bushes. Our Officers came up twice to see if we were attending our duty & try & run our Guard, but could not come in. Our orders was to fire into every squad of men, as there was no telling which moment we might be attacked, nor from what quarter. I tell you it made us watchful. The countersign was only given to me, so it kept me up nearly all the time.
I heard yesterday, from a member of the 126 Regt. an [Iowa] Company, that Mary & Elizabeth Graves were both [Married]. I [meet] some from all [parts] that I know.
I [guess] you may send me a little money, as our poor living at first took more of my money. It is very warm here today, they have no rain here for two months, so it is very dry & dusty.
We brought in the Contrabands today, all the boys flocked around to see them come in, asking them all sorts of questions. One of them brought in my Knapsack. The boys thought that I was sensible having a [waiter].
While writing this, we are having a regular old soaker, the water is running all over the Tent so that we have to move all our Baggage.
Yesterday the Orderly Seargent of our Company, was reduced to 5th Corporal, Pulver1 was his name, the 5th corporal was reduced to the Ranks. I am satisfied that there will be more changes. I never saw any one more at home than Elick Williams & Barney [Francisco]2, they are at home any where, The Colonel yesterday, read the Rules and articles of War and of our Camp, over 140, how is a man to remember all these
Hoping to hear
from you
Who were “contrabands”?
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