Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
March 19, 1863
Camp Hayes
March 19th
8,30 AM
Dear Father
I received your letter of the 13th day before yesterday, while on Guard & should have answered it when I came off Guard but I felt too miserable, to do anything. I had Chills & Fever all day yesterday, & laid in my Tent. This morning I got some Medicine from the Doctor, but I hardly like the idea of Taking Quinine, every 2 hours.
Today the Right Wing goes on Picket, but as good luck would have it, I do not have to go today. You must loose [sic] a great many of my Letters, as I write at least 3 a week. I received 50 cts in Postage Currency, in the last letter. We hear nothing more about being paid off. Though the Officers think we soon shall be. There is nothing going on in Camp, have not Drilled for the past few days, as it has rained, or been too muddy.
Well I must close
Will write tomorrow
I was glad to hear from you again, after so long a time. In regards to your Enlisting as a Drummer, I think you are better off where you are. Take my Advice & stay at home. In the first place, you never would live through the Service. A greater portion of those who Die, are under 20 years, they are the first to Drop off. If you were 20 years old, I should say come on, but as it is, I never can. Take the Advice of a man that has seen over 7 months Service, & stay where you can live. Next Summer, if we are near Washington, I want you to come down & see us then you can judge for your self, I think you would like a Trip down to Washington.
enclosed I send in this Letter, a Letter D, to Maggie, & a crop to Rosa, they are made from the Bones of a man in the Georgia Regt, Rebel, as we found out by the Head Board. I will send you some thing before long, I am waiting to get out on the Battle Field. You say if you want to see me alive again write for Fathers consent, rather than see you in the 111th, I would see you dead, for I know you never could stand it. Now just give up all idea of coming down here.
Love to all
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