Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
October 8, 1863
Barracks No 3
Elmira Oct 8th
1 PM
Dear Father
I am afraid 3 Day Passes are played out, Col Brown has shut down on it.
We now have to Drill from 9 to 11 AM, from 2 to 4 PM, Dress Parade at 5 PM, This is a big thing. Yesterday it was reported in Camp, that 2 Comissioned Officers & 4 men, were to be sent back, out of each Detachment, and today the Report is, that the Men are to go Home for 30 Days, after this Draft before the next one, I think if there is another Draft, some such thing will be done. That is the Question now.
I do not think now that I can come Home, in less than 15 Days, we have got 2 Boys to go Home on a Furlough yet before my time come again. It is very hard now to get a Furlough. They grant but few.
There is nothing going on now, in Camp, It is raining too Day so we are not Drilling. There is a great deal of talk here about going back, but I dont see it.
I bought me a good pr of Boots, for $6,00. tip top Calf Skin. I also got me a Cap, & Shirt. I am now rigged out for Winter. I also got a pr of Gloves.
I shall hope to see you up here before long. The only way that I could get Home would be if any of you went Sick. I read a letter from A B Williams this morning from the Regt, they are all well & are 10 miles beyond Culpepper.
Hoping to hear from you soon
Love to all
(some notations on the back side)
Wood 50,00
Flour 25 [lb]
Meat 1 Doll a [ ]
Groceries 2 Doll
[ ]
50 4,32
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