Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
December 6, 1863 – Stevensburg, Va
Camp in Stevensburg Va
Dec 6th 63
Dear Father
It is awful Cold today, but I thought I would try & write you a few lines. Yesterday morning at 4 AM we were called up & Ordered to be ready to move at 7 AM, At 7, we marched, South west about 3 miles to a place called Stevensburg, where the Cavalry had a Fight, a week or two ago, Here after some trouble, finding ground we went into Camp, Our Regt lays on a nole, right where the wind has a full sweep at us. We have to go 3/4 of a mile for Wood, which we do not like. I think we shall go down to Brandy Station, where there is more Wood.
It was Reported here yesterday that our Regt, was going there to Guard the Comissary, we are now, about 2 1/2 miles South of B Station, 5 miles East of Culpeper, & about 8 East of Pony Mountain, We can plainly see the Church Steeples in Culpeper.
This is an awful cold Sunday, we have to lay in bed, to keep from freezing. I think now we shall soon go into Winter Quarters, near here. This place, used to be a Splendid little Town, but now is Sadly Changed. The Inhabitants say they have nothing to sell to Yankees, so of course we take it.
Going Home to Recruit seems to be played out, we hear nothing of it. Nothing has been heard from our Boys, there is no Doubt, that they were taken Prisoners. I wrote to Francisco yesterday.
This I suppose is Charles Birth Day, tell him I thought of him while eating my Breakfast, of Hard Tack & Coffee,
I suppose you have seen the account in the Papers of our Campaign. The Herald does not give Warren the Credit he Deserves, When Mead, sent him an Order for him to Charge the Works his answer was, I can do it, but there will be no 2nd Corps Left, That shows the Mans prudence, in not sacrificing his men. We like Warren, Old Hays told Warren, he could take the old 3d Brigade & take [the] Works.
There is but little news in Camp, today. Yesterday we drew Soft Bread & Whiskey. This seems but little like Sunday to us here, not more then half know it is.
Hoping soon to get that Watch
I remain with Love to all
I sent 2 letters from Mrs Stout
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