Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
March 28, 1863
Dear Mother
I received you letter of the 23d last night, & was very glad to hear from you again. The Postage Currency came to hand all right, & so to day I will get my Boots Tapped & fixed up. these Boots I have got now, do not wear near as well as the Boots, I got in Syracuse. This is an awful place on Boots, as we have a great deal of Marching to do, & over all kinds of Roads.
Today & tomorrow is our Holiday, tomorrow there is Regimental Inspection, so we have got all we can do, to day, to prepare for it. yesterday our Picket Lines were Thrown out, from here, the Posts are a great deal nearer together now, & a great deal better.
Our lines run through a Country that has not been injured by Soldiers. the Fences are still standing, something strange in this Country, for there are Thousands of acres of Land & no Fence, around it here. We however will soon fix the Fields, by Burning then up.
We have to go on Picket, next Tuesday, & stay 2 days, instead of one. This Plan I like much better. Yesterday was a warm & pleasant day, now it is raining hard.
In regard to the Furlough, I do not think it will succeed, though I hope it may. I took the Chap, down the Independant, last night, he told me had received a Letter from Father, in regard, to my getting a Furlough, & that he would do all in his Power for me, & would speak to the Col about it. I think you are rather hard on me not let me go any where, I suppose you know that I am used to night, marches, & while you were sleeping some night, I should think I heard the Long Roll, & Fall in for where I thought the Trouble was. I think you will have to Revoke that Order, if I should come home.
I do not think myself it would pay, to come home on a 10 day Furlough, there would not be time, enough at home to pay, for the Trouble. I do not think & could Borrow the money here to come home with it is too far from Pay day. I am in hopes, that we shall be paid off, before long, then I shall have $53,00, or 4 months Pay.
Genl Casey has not arrived here yet. It is reported that we are to be Reviewed next week by President Lincoln, Genl Hientelzman, Genl Casey. Wont I fix up then. I am well & all right again. Tell Charlie that I meant just what I said.
Kiss Maggie for me,
Love to all
Your Son
Write & let me know if you got the Crosses all right
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