Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
May 3, 1863
Camp Hayes
May 3d
7,40 PM
Dear Father
We are in great excitement in Camp tonight, we have just recd orders, to be ready to move with 3 days Rations in our Haversacks & everything Packed up. It is reported that we are to Reinforce Hooker, in case he needs help. We are to march to Union Mills & there take the Cars, for Warrenton. I heard tonight that we were to go to Warrenton, & be held as Hookers Reserve. The Boys are all feeling well. I intend sending this by one of the 9th Art, Boys, that is if I can not send it by Mail.
5,15 AM 4th. We have slept good all night & are now ready for anything that may turn up. Unless Hooker meets with some Disaster we shall remain here, I think he can hold his own, I think this will turn out, the way our other Marching Orders did. We had Regt Inspection yesterday morning, as usual, now it is the order to have Regt Inspection every Sunday. We are Drilling in the Bayonet Excercises, I can write but little this morning. Do not expect that we are going to leave here, for no one in Camp, thinks we shall.
I will write every Day, for awhile, until we get settled
Love to all
I saw Gilbert Baily, yesterday in the 126th NY, Also Mr Stuarts Son, merchant of Ovid. [Delas] Baily is in Chicago, he has, been to Nebraska
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