Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
July 6, 1863
Camp near Littlestown Pa
July 6th 7 AM
Dear Father
Having a little time, I thought I would write a few lines. We left Gettysburg, yesterday afternoon at 5 PM, & marched through the Mud to this Place, Halting at Midnight, It was an awful march, very Muddy, & nasty. We had to Ford one stream the water up to our Knees. This is nice, getting our Feet wet & no chance to dry them. It rained nearly all night, & this morning we are all wet through.
We are now on the Baltimore Road, bound for Balt, it is said We have got to march to Westminster, 15 miles today, oh how I dread it. The Roads are awful muddy. we were Ordered up at 4 AM, to get our Breakfast, & at 5 were Ordered in line, & have been laying here ever since. We have suffered almost everything this past five days for, Rations, I have seen 25cts given for a Hard Tack, I think we shall draw Rations today. We have got 16 men now with the Co. Officers & all.
By nights I am in Comand of the Co, though Hutchins has taken it. I tell you our Co looks small, now. All we want is a little rest. Barney & Aleck are with us & are all right. I think if everything is done that ought to be, the Rebel Army will be cleaned, this time no mistake. I have run some awful risks in this fight, a man was blown to pieces ahead of me & covered me with Blood, Capt told me he thought I was a goner. At any rate I have done my Duty. Our Brigade has suffered more than any other in this fight, & our Regt more than any other. We have got our name up now. Col, said we had done well, he was proud of us, it was the proudest day of his life
My love to all
I am very anxious to hear from you
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