Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
June 6, 1863
Camp Hayes
June 6th /63
Dear Father
Enclosed please find $5,00, which I hope you will get without any trouble. We have been very fortunate this week, in regard to Drilling, All we have Drilled was Monday. Major Lusk, has command of the Regt, that accounts for it. One other thing he has done, that is reduced the No of Camp Guard & let the boys go out & come in, when & where they please. The Boys all wish he had command of the Regt, we then would have easier times. the Major does no [sic] believe in rushing things through so fast.
Yesterday 5 company’s out of the Regt, went out towards Warrenton, on a Scout. It was reported here, that, White had 2000 Gurillas, between him & Warrenton, So the General would sign no Papers for Washington, or to leave Camp at all. The Companies returned this morning, from the Scout, they brought back 5 Rebs. B & C, left yesterday, for Fair Fax Station, I only wish it had been our Company.
There is no extra news in Camp, today, only it is a settled thing that we are to have the Band.
Hoping to hear from you soon
Love to all
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