Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
April 13, 1863
(in the top margin)
I wish you would send me a $1,00 worth of Stamps & I will settle Pay Day
Camp Hayes Centerville
April 13th 1863
8,45 PM
Dear Father
We have not as yet moved, though we expect to soon. Today we got all Packed up, then got no orders to move, so we have Co Drill in the morning, & Battallion Drill in the afternoon. It is reported now, that we are to move early tomorrow morning. I do not think we shall go, quite as quick as that. this afternoon it was reported, that we should move tonight.
April 14th 5,15 AM. Still we have no orders to move, The Col said last night, we should go some time this week he did not know what day. a Lieut in Co C, told me yesterday, that the report was, there was [20,000] Rebs at Warrenton, & that we should join our Division which would be 20,000 Strong, & go out there last night have our Drill just to blind them. I should not be much surprised if we did not move at all, though we are all Packed up. Our Squad Packed the Trunk full of things we are going to leave,, though I do not know where they will be stored. We are all in Confusion here, everything Packed up.
My cold is a little better this morning, I do not cough any more.
The Idea seems to prevail among the men, that if we leave here, it will be only for a Scout, & that we shall return here again. I do not believe this however, if we once get started, we shall go down in Front. We have seen nothing of the Paymaster yet, nor do we hear any more about him. I am afraid we shall get slipped up, on the Pay.
I am very glad to get the Rock Democrats, you send. I think more of them than any other Paper. I think I shall write a letter to the Dem, in a few Days.
You are very much mistaken, about the vices of Camp life, to be sure there is a great deal, that is bad going on, but not near as much as you would think, among so many men. The worst [C…] is Card Playing, just to pass away the time, nothing more, this would not be, if there was plenty of reading, or anything to amuse them.
Tell Charlie that I do not call that last, a letter, I want a Sheet full. We are having warm pleasant weather here now, Spring in earnest, only different from yours, by having such cold nights. I shall have a talk with the Capt, today, about the color Guard, I shall see whether there is any [r]ight, outside for me.
My Love to all
will write just as often as possible
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