Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
December 19, 1862
6 PM
Camp Vermont
Co D 111th Regt NTSV
Dear Father
This morning at 7,30 we were again ordered out to do Fatigue Duty at Fort [Legon] [2nd]. We marched over & then the Seargents & Corporals, were excused from doing duty, so all we had to do was to look around the country. I helped a lady, draw some water & carried it for her to wash, & she gave me some Fried Cakes & Apples. I wished myself home doing the same work.
they call the fort, that we are working on, Fort [Legon], but this will not be the name. It is not very large only holding 12 Guns, but still there is a great deal of work to do on it. The Largest Gun mounted, is about 60 [Pd]. You would be surprised if you came through this country, to see how many Forts there is here. There is a regular chain of Forts all around this side of Washington. We would like no better fun, than to Garrison some of these Forts. there is a Sergt that has command of the Fort that we are building, that has risen from the Ranks, to his present position. He is a Civil Engineer & gets as much pay as a Brig Genl.
I will now describe our house. It is built of Logs about 3 feet length & about 8 feet Square. On one side, we have two bunks, a Stove in one corner, we are now living comfortable. All the trouble is who shall build the fire in the morning.
When I got back from the Forts, I found my Box. You may be sure it did not take us long to open it. To night we had Sausage & bread and butter, & now feel a little better. My Boots fit tip top, I like them very much. I have had a great many visitors to night because I have got a box.
I am getting ready to pull my stripes off, I think from all appearances now, a fellow by the Name of Catlin from Lodus, will be the next Sergt. Green and Granger are working for him. and trying to get him in. He is 7th Corporal. Just as soon as the order is read on Dress Parade, if it is so, I shall go to the Capt, & resign. I like to see fair Play. I thing [sic] the order will be read, tomorrow on Sunday.
6,30 AM Dec 20th. Just been out to roll Call. we have got to go on Fatigue duty to day. This has been a very cold night, but will be a warm day. To day I can Christen the new Boots.
This old fellow that we are guarding his property, is a Brother of Masons, not a Cousin. I would like that Business.
They are hurrying up the Fort we are working on, in case Jackson comes towards Washington. It would be all right if we got extra pay but we will not.
Tell Mother I am very much obliged for the nice things she has sent, they taste good to us.
Hoping to hear from you again Soon
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