Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
July 9, 1863 – near Frederick, Md
Camp near Frederick City Md
July 9th 5 AM
Dear Father
We left Tany Town yesterday moring at 6,30 AM & of all the Marching I have ever done, this was the worst. It had rained nearly all night, & was just pouring down, when we were Ordered to Strike Tents & be ready to move at 3 AM. The Mud was about 5 or 6 inches deep, some places thick & others thin & We marched through the Rain, until 2 PM, when we got along a little better. We arrived at the Camp, 5 miles from Frederick, at 8 PM pretty nearly exhausted.
Yesterday on the March one of the 125th. picked up a Revolver, & commenced fooling with it, & Shot one of his own men through the Head, killing him instantly. It was an awful sight.
Well we are at Frederick again, & are again Ordered to March, no one knows where. Some think we are going up to Antietim [sic], At any rate we have got some more marching to do. I am tired out this morning & would give anything for a Rest & I would like to be at Home, & get Mother to Bake me some Cakes. Well I must close as we are Ordered to strike Tents
My love to all
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