Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
February 16, 1863
Camp Hayes
Feb 16th 1863 7 PM
Dear Father,
I recieved a Letter from you to day, & 4 Papers. I was glad to hear from you, as I had not heard from you in several days.
I have been quite sick, since last night, have had Chills & Fever, most of the time. I was excused by the doctor this AM, & have been laying in my Tent all day. I am feeling a little better this PM, although not well enough to Brag of. I was afraid I was going to have an attack of Intermittent Fever. There are a great many cases of it in the Regt. Al Hunt has been sick with it since several days past, the Doctor thinks he can break it up.
Tomorrow the Right wing of the Regt, goes on Picket, as we are in the Right wing, or would be our turn to go. I shall not go unless I am better. There is a rumor in Camp, that Non Comissioned Officers can get Commissions in these Negro Regts just forming, our Sergt Major, & several Sergts in the Regt intend to apply. If there is anything (in) it, I shall apply.
I reserved 4 Stamps & a 25cts Postage Currency, I have not read a Paper from you in several days, like to day. I think I have got all the Papers, that [Supp..] directed, I have recd three that he Directed. I read the Harpers Weekly, & also the Sodus Repository. I got the Tribune with Fred Douglas’es Speech in. The Mail comes in every day here, via Alexandria. Moving to Warrenton is played out, we hear no more about it.
Co McDougal is Comandant of this Post now, Col D Utassi is under arrest, 27 charges preferred against him. I hope it is so, no one likes him.
8 AM 17th. I am felling much better this morning, & shall get along all right now. Doctor told me he thought I should have the Fever & Ague. it is snowing hard here this AM, & has been nearly all night, the Co has to go on Picket, I do not know how it is, but it generally Storms when we have Picket Duty to do. Hoping to hear from you again soon. I will write tomorrow
Love to all
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