Manley Stacey Civil War Letters
October 4, 1863
Barracks No 3
Elmira October 4th
3 PM
Dear Father
I received two letters from you, the past week, & should have written sooner, but to tell the truth, I had nothing to write about. There is actually nothing going on in Camp. Things are moving off, about the same as usual, We have recd nearly all the Conscripts that, we shall get under this Draft, but very few are coming in now. If we, do not have another Draft, I think we shall be through, & go back to our Regts, about the Middle of the Month. I do not think, there will be another Draft, though there may be. For some reasons I wish there would & for others, I would prefer them to raise, the men by Volunteering. I do not want to stay here all winter, by any means, unless we have a change in Officers. Col Brown that has Command of our Barracks, is Tyrant & is hated by both Officers & Men.
I should like to have, both Mother & You come up here before I go back. We have nearly a Regt here now, Old Soldiers & Invalids. We make, quite a Show on Drills & Parades. We have a great many Visitors, both on Week Days & Sundays, at Dress Parade’s.
I hope to come home for a few Days this week, though it is Doubtful, we can only get 3 Days Passes & it will not pay, to come Home for that time, $5,00 for 2 Days at Home. I got my Pay last week, after some little trouble, I shall get me a Pr of Boots here, I can get a good pr for $6,00, Double Soles. If we stay here this Winter I shall certainly come home again on a Furlough if not it is Doubtful I will write often[er] this week, News or no News
My love to all
Kiss Maggie for me
I should like a letter from Charles, if he will Deign to write me one
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